The OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) assesses the proficiency of adults in key information-processing skills essential for participating in the information-rich economies and societies of the 21st century. These are: literacy, numeracy, and problem solving in technology-rich environments. For more information about the survey have a look at the official OECD website.
During the PIAAC assessement, user interactions were logged automatically. This means that most of the users’ actions within the assessment tool were recorded and stored with time stamps in separate files called log files. The availability of these log files offers new opportunities to researchers, for instance to reproduce test-taking behavior of individuals and to better understand test-taking behavior.
This documentation provides an overview of the interactions being possible in the items and the corresponding logged events.
A selection of possible event types can be displayed where they occur within the items (pop up box) via the Item List and with a technical explanation via the Events sections.
Additional Information about the PIAAC log files
Please note that log files from the cognitive part are not expected to be processed directly. An automatic extraction of variables is made in the [PERSID]-[TESTID]-Var.xml and is released as the Public Use Files (PUFs).The general structure of each traced event generated by the TAO CBA platform (for details on TAO see chapter 9 of the Technical Report) looks like:
< taoEvent > Name ="origin" Type ="Event Type" Time ="ms"> </ taoEvent >
The attribute "Name" is stating the physical environment from which the event is issued.
There are three possible values: “taoPIAAC”, “stimulus” and “service”.
- “taoPIAAC” provides events coming from outside of the stimulus.
- “stimulus” provides the user events traced within the stimulus.
- “service” provides values needed within other parts of a unit, values that need to be available globally.
The attribute "Time" provides a time stamp expressed in milliseconds; the time stamp is reset to zero (“0”) at the beginning of each unit.
The following tabs present all available event types and include a short description divided by domain.
Event types for Literacy and Numeracy
The PIAAC screen includes a left panel with the directions and sometimes a response area and a right panel presenting the stimulus. Related event types including a short description are presented in the following.
- For event types in the right panel (stimulus) click here
- For event types in the left panel (response area) click here
and their short description.
Event type of stimulus Description CBA Item has been loaded CBA Item has been loaded with name and entry point (as defined in the “stimulus_descr.xml”) has been called.
<CBAItemLogEntry name="BundleName" name="NameOfCBAItem entry-point="EntryPoint"/>
<CBAItemLogEntry name=""/>Button is pressed The event also applies to WebBrowser Buttons (HomeButton, BackButton, ForwardButton), ImageButtons and Search Buttons.
<ButtonLogEntry id="ObjId"/>
<ButtonLogEntry id="MyButton1"/>
Examples can be viewed in all itemsRadioButton is selected <RadioButtonLogEntry id="ObjId"/>
<RadioButtonLogEntry id="MyRadio1"/>
View exampleCheckBox is selected <CheckboxLogEntry id="ObjId" isChecked="NewState"/>
<CheckboxLogEntry id="MyCheck1" isChecked="true"/>
View exampleImage has been selected (i.e. clicked) The event also applies to Images in WebBrowser Toolbars.
<ImageLogEntry id="ObjId"/>
<ImageLogEntry id="MyImage1"/>TaskBarButton or StartTaskBarButton is selected <TaskbarButtonLogEntry id="ObjId"/>
<TaskbarButtonLogEntry id="TaskBarWeb"/>
View example(Standard) Link is selected <StandardLinkLogEntry id="ObjId" sourcePageId ="page which holds the link" targetPageId ="target page for the link"/>
<StandardLinkLogEntry id="MyStandardLink1" sourcePageId ="cbaPage_5_29198168667167" targetPageId ="cbaPage_3_29197815833269"/>Embedded Link is selected The link is identified by the n internal ID of the link.
<EmbeddedLinkLogEntry id ="ObjIdOfTextField" sourcePageId ="page which holds the text field" targetPageId =" target page for the link" textFieldId =”InternalLinkId”/>
<EmbeddedLinkLogEntry id="MyEmbeddedLink2" sourcePageId ="cbaPage_0_29197390777472" targetPageId ="cbaPage_1_29197452542298" textFieldId =”cbaTextField_1_35619825765”/>
View exampleInputField or SingleLineInputField is modified The event is triggered, once the InputField or SingleLineInputField is left(“focus out”). It also applies to SingleLineInputFields in WebBrowser Toolbars and SearchInputField. Zero, one or more keystrokes are counted as one single user interaction.
<InputFieldLogEntry id="ObjId" inputText="newInputText"/>
<InputFieldLogEntry id ="MySingleLineInput1" inputText="any user text"/>
View exampleInputField or SingleLineInputField is selected The event also applies to SingleLineInputFields in WebBrowser Toolbars and SearchInputField. Only the first click (to acquire the focus) is traced.It applies also to read-only fields.
<SelectedInputFieldLogEntry id="ObjId"/>
<SelectedInputFieldLogEntry id="MySingleLineInput1"/>
View exampleComboBoxItem is selected <ComboboxItemLogEntry id="ObjId"/>
<ComboboxItemLogEntry id="MyComboBoxItem1"/>
View examplePanel has been selected (i.e. clicked) The event is only triggered, if the panel is clicked directly. A click on another element (e.g. Button or Image) on the panel does not raise this event.
<SelectedPanelLogEntry id="ObjId”/>
<SelectedPanelLogEntry id="MyPanel1”/>
Panels occur in every stimulus.TextField has been selected (i.e. clicked) Every click on a non-highlightable text field or a highlightable text field with no defined text blocks triggers a trace event. The event is not triggered, if an embedded link is activated.
<SelectedTextFieldLogEntry id="ObjId”/>
<SelectedTextFieldLogEntry id="MyTextField1”/>
View exampleTextField overall highlighting state has changed. The event is triggered on highlightable text fields, once the left mouse button is released when highlighting or once the left mouse button is clicked to deselect a highlighted text part. However, the trace event is only triggered, if the overall text field “highlighted state” {true, false} has changed.
<HighlightLogEntry id="ObjIdOfTextField" isHighlighted ="newOverallBooleanState"/>
<HighlightLogEntry id="MyTextField2" isHighlighted="true"/>
View exampleTextField with highlighting and text blocks has been selected (i.e. clicked). The event is triggered on highlightable text fields with defined text blocks, once the left mouse button is released when highlighting
or once the left mouse button is clicked to deselect a highlighted text part or when simply clicking into the text field. All text blocks with their state are listed. The text block state can be completely deselected (DESELECTED), partly selected (PARTLY_SELECTED) or completely selected (COMPLETLY_SELECTED).
<TextBlocksLogEntry id="ObjIdOfTextField"> <textBlocks textBlockId ="TextBlockName" state="SelectionState"/> ...
<TextBlocksLogEntry id="MyTextField1"> <textBlocks textBlockId="TB1" state="DESELECTED"/> <textBlocks textBlockId="TB2" state="PARTLY_SELECTED"/> <textBlocks textBlockId="TB3" state="COMPLETLY_SELECTED"/>
If the system property “TraceHighlightedText” is set, an additional trace is generated (with no impact on the user interactions).
It contains the start and end character positions of every highlighted text fragment and the highlighted text fragment itself.
The character positions are counted relative to the text field – starting from 0 to N-1
(where N is the total length i.e. the total number of characters of text field).
<HighlightTextFieldLogEntry id="ObjIdOfTextField><highlightedFragment startPosition="PosStart" endPosition="PosEnd" text="Text"/> ..</HighlightTextFieldLogEntry>
<HighlightTextFieldLogEntry id="MyTextField1>
<highlightedFragment startPosition="0" endPosition="4" text="text1"/> <highlightedFragment startPosition="23" endPosition="33" text="othertext2"/> </HighlightTextFieldLogEntry>
View exampleThe following table lists all available event types in the left panel (response area below directions and question) and their short description.
Back to top
Event type of Left Panel Description TEXTBOX_ONFOCUS Modification of text box (start input). The value of this event provides the content of the textbox before the text input of the respondent.
PayloadAttribute(s) Possible values id string [textbox identifier] value string [text input]
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="TEXTBOX_ONFOCUS" Time="546227"> id=textbox1|*$value=text</taoEvent>
View exampleTEXTBOX_KILLFOCUS Modification of text box (end input). The value of this event provides the possible respondent input text.
PayloadAttribute(s) Possible values id string [textbox identifier] value string [text input]
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="TEXTBOX_KILLFOCUS" Time="549502"> id=textbox1|*$value=text</taoEvent>
View exampleRADIO_BTN A radio button has been selected.
PayloadAttribute(s) Possible values id string [identifier of radiobutton that has been selected]
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="RADIO_BTN" Time="13359"> id=u12rg1_prop1</taoEvent>
View exampleCHECKBOX A radio checkbox has been selected.
PayloadAttribute(s) Possible values id string [identifier of checkbox that has been selected]
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="CHECKBOX_SELECT" Time="23985">id=check2</taoEvent>
View exampleCOMBOBOX A combobox item has been selected.
PayloadAttribute(s) Possible values id index string [identifier of combobox] integer [index of combobox item that has been selected]
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="COMBOBOX" Time="22181">id=u021_default_menu2|*$index=2</taoEvent>
View Example
Event types for Problem Solving in Technology Rich Environments
The PIAAC screen includes a left panel with the directions and sometimes a response area and a right panel presenting the stimulus. Related event types including a short desription are presented in the following.
- For the event types in the right panel (stimulus) being general click here
- For unit-specific event types in the right panel (stimulus) click here
- For the event types in the left panel (response area) click here
In case of several pairs, the following separator is used: |*$
Event Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
Event category: environment [events directly bound to the environment applications of PS-TRE] | |||||||||||||||||||
ENVIRONMENT | Currently activated environment. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="ENVIRONMENT" Time="32140">environment=SS</taoEvent> Event trigger: TOOLBAR View Example |
MENU | Main menu item has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="MENU" Time="39371">id=ss-data-menu</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): MENUITEM Comment: This event implies a user interaction. Examples can be viewed in all PS items. |
MENUITEM | Main menu sub item has been pressed. Payload
Triggered event(s): BOOKMARK_ADD BOOKMARK_VIEW HISTORY_ADD NEW_FOLDER COPY PASTE REPLY REPLYALL FORWARD MAIL_SENT MAIL_MOVED MAIL_DELETED SS_SORT MC_SORT SS_SEARCH MC_SEARCH Event trigger: MENU Comment: This event implies a user interaction. The payload refers to the “key” attribute as the menu item elements don’t have an identifier attribute (id) in the BLACK files. Please see below for examples for each triggered event. |
TOOLBAR | Toolbar icon, desktop buttons to change environment and to split screen (bottom bar) or ‘Send’ icon of (new, reply, reply all, forward) email has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="TOOLBAR" Time="48165">id=toolbar_back_btn</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): ENVIRONMENT HISTORY_FORWARD HISTORY_BACK HISTORY_ADD BOOKMARK_ADD REPLY REPLYALL FORWARD MAIL_SENT MAIL_MOVED MAIL_DELETED COPY PASTE SS_SORT SS_SEARCH MC_SEARCH Comment: This event implies a user interaction. The SPLITSCREEN event is captured within the TOOLBAR event. Please see below for examples for each triggered event. |
TAB | A tab has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="TAB" Time="55651"> id=tabbutton2</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. View Example |
Event category: Interaction [GUI actions of the respondent] | |||||||||||||||||||
BUTTON | A button has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="BUTTON" Time="63231">id=sortValidation</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): DOACTION View Example |
TEXTLINK | A text link has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="TEXTLINK" Time="18140"> id=u07_default_txt3|*$href= unit7page1|*$target=_self </taoEvent> or <taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="TEXTLINK" Time="6788169"> id=u07_pg1_txt7|*$href= u07_pg1_popup1|*$target=_popup </taoEvent> Triggered event(s): HISTORY_ADD View Example |
TEXTBOX_ONFOCUS | Modification of text box (start input). The value of this event provides the content of the textbox before the text input of the respondent. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="TEXTBOX_ONFOCUS" Time="546227"> id=textbox1|*$value=text</taoEvent> View Example |
TEXTBOX_KILLFOCUS | Modification of text box (end input). The value of this event provides the possible respondent input text. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="TEXTBOX_KILLFOCUS" Time="549502"> id=textbox1|*$value=text</taoEvent> View Example |
KEYPRESS | A key has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="KEYPRESS" Time="71435"> ASCII=97|*$code=65</taoEvent> View Example |
RADIO_BTN | A radio button has been selected. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="RADIO_BTN" Time="13359"> id=u12rg1_prop1</taoEvent> View Example |
CHECKBOX | A checkbox has been selected. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="CHECKBOX_SELECT" Time="23985"> id=check2</taoEvent> View Example |
CELL_CHANGE | Status of checkbox in a spreadsheet cell has been changed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="CELL_CHANGE" Time="155078"> id=content_spreadsheet_ColaD_row65</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. View Example |
LISTBOX | A listbox item has been selected. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="LISTBOX_SELECTED" Time="207018"> index=0</taoEvent> To view example click on "Websearch" in "Bookmarks" pop-up |
COMBOBOX | A combobox item has been selected. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="COMBOBOX" Time="22181"> id=u021_default_menu2|*$index=2</taoEvent> View Example |
MAIL_DRAG | Mail that has been dragged. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="MAIL_DRAG" Time="852693"> id=u02_item101</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): MAIL_DROP |
MAIL_DROP | Target folder in which mail has been dropped. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="MAIL_DROP" Time="20186"> target=u01a_CanComeFolder</taoEvent> Event trigger: MAIL_DRAG Triggered event(s): MAIL_MOVED |
FOLDER_FOLDED | Folder has been folded. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="FOLDER_FOLDED" Time="6830">id=u12_forms</taoEvent> View Example |
FOLDER_UNFOLDED | Folder has been unfolded. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="FOLDER_UNFOLDED" Time="4202"> id=u12_division</taoEvent> View Example |
SHORTCUT | A shortcut has been used (combination of KEYPRESS EVENTS to trigger the EVENT “COPY” or “PASTE”). Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="SHORTCUT" Time="45591"> modifiers=ctrl|*$key=v</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): COPY PASTE Event trigger: KEYPRESS Comment: This event implies a user interaction. |
Event category: Action [System actions triggered by respondent’s interaction events] | |||||||||||||||||||
DOACTION | System event activated by respondent’s interaction event. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="DOACTION" Time="63231"> action=as://hide(sortwindow)</taoEvent> Event trigger: TOOLBAR TAB BUTTON COPY PASTE View Example |
HISTORY_NEXT | Page visited when respondent has clicked on NEXT icon in the toolbar. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="HISTORY_NEXT" Time="158481"> pageid=unit02page1 |*$title=View Calendar |*$url=</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): HISTORY_ADD Event trigger: TOOLBAR View Example |
HISTORY_BACK | Page visited when respondent has clicked on NEXT icon in the toolbar. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="HISTORY_BACK" Time="155020"> pageid=unit02page5 |*$title=Complete Unfilled Request Notice |*$url = </taoEvent> Triggered event(s): HISTORY_ADD Event trigger: TOOLBAR View Example |
HISTORY_ADD | A page has been added to the history. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="HISTORY_ADD" Time="302135"> pageid=unit02page1 |*$title=View Calendar|*$url = </taoEvent> Event trigger: HISTORY_NEXT HISTORY_BACK BOOKMARK_VIEWED TEXTLINK View Example |
BOOKMARK_ADD | Bookmark that has been added. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="BOOKMARK_ADD" Time="647336"> pageid=unit02page2 |*$title=View Meeting Room Details|*$url = </taoEvent> Triggered event(s): DOACTION Event trigger: MENUITEM TOOLBAR BUTTON View Example |
BOOKMARK_VIEWED | Bookmark that has been viewed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="BOOKMARK_VIEWED" Time="207018"> pageid=unit02page1|*$title=View Calendar|*$url = </taoEvent> Triggered event(s): HISTORY_ADD Event trigger: LISTBOX_SELECTED View Example |
MAIL_MOVED | System action executing a moving mail event. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="MAIL_MOVED" Time="164084"> id=u01a_item103|*$target=MTGROOMFOLDER</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): DOACTION Event trigger: MENUITEM MAIL_DROP View Example |
MAIL_VIEWED | Message has been viewed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="Stimulus" Type="MAIL_VIEWED" Time="237327"> id=u01a_item301</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. View Example |
MAIL_SENT | Message has been sent. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="MAIL_SENT" Time="87550"> function=reply|*$to=Bill Yin|*$cc=|*$subject =RE: CD question |*$message=Yes%2E%20we%20have%2 0two%2E%20Essentials %20and%20Tartello%0D %0D%2D%2D%2D%2D%2D%2 D%2D%2D%2D%2D%2D%2D% 2D%2D%2D%2D%2D%2D%2D %2D%0D%0DI%20am%20lo oking%20for%20a%20CD %20by%20a%20classica l%20musician%20named %20Martinessa%2E%20% 20Do%20you%20have%20 any%20of%20her%20CDs %3F%0D%0DThank%20you%2E</taoEvent> Event trigger: TOOLBAR View Example |
MAIL_DELETED | Mail has been deleted. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="MAIL_DELETED" Time="921307"> id=myMails</taoEvent> Event trigger: MENUITEM View Example |
FOLDER_VIEWED | Mail folder that has been viewed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="Stimulus" Type="FOLDER_VIEWED" Time="270543"> id=SentFolder</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. View Example |
NEW_FOLDER | New folder has been created. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="NEW_FOLDER" Time="90661"> target=u01a_myMails|*$name=New Folder</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): DOACTION Event trigger: MENUITEM TOOLBAR BUTTON View Example |
COPY | Text has been copied. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="COPY" Time="312997"> content=text</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): TEXTBOX_ONFOCUS TEXTBOX_KILLFOCUS Event trigger: MENUITEM SHORTCUT View Example |
PASTE | A copied text has been pasted into a textbox. The following TEXTBOX_KILLFOCUS event will indicate the textbox in which the text is pasted. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="PASTE" Time="94170">content=The next Facilities Department meeting will be on March 16th from 11:00 - 1:00. I'd like to reserve a room for that date if one is available. Sorry for the late notice.</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): TEXTBOX_ONFOCUS TEXTBOX_KILLFOCUS Event trigger: MENUITEM SHORTCUT View Example |
SS_SORT | Spreadsheet column(s) has/have been sorted. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="SS_SORT" Time="111152"> id=spreadview|*$sortby1=spreadSheet_colB |*$order1=ASCENDING|*$sortby2=spreadSheet_colA |*$order2=ASCENDING|*$sortby3=spreadSheet_colD |*$order3=DESCENDING</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): DOACTION Event trigger: MENUITEM TOOLBAR BUTTON View Example |
MC_SORT | Mail list has been sorted. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="MC_SORT" Time="70615"> sortby=from|*$order=ASC</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): DOACTION Event trigger: MENUITEM BUTTON View Example |
SS_SEARCH | Keyword has been searched in a spreadsheet. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="SS_SEARCH" Time="36887"> keyword=Martinessa|*$nbofresults=2</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): DOACTION Event trigger: BUTTON View Example |
MC_SEARCH | Keyword has been searched in a mail client. Payload
DOACTION Event trigger: BUTTON View Example |
BUTTON | A button has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="BUTTON" Time="63231">id=sortValidation</taoEvent> Triggered event(s): DOACTION View Example (occurs in many items) |
Event category: Unit specific actions Back to top |
Unit 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
SUBMIT_RESERVATION_SUCCESS | The “Submit” button on page “Make Room reservation” has been clicked with correct selection of the comboboxes was. The payload is subsuming all choices of this page’s comboboxes. Payload
Example: <taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="SUBMIT_RESERVATION_SUCCESS" Time="97222"> room_index=2|*$start_time_index=4 |*$end_time_index=5 |*$department_index=1</taoEvent> Event trigger: BUTTON View Example |
SUBMIT_RESERVATION_FAILURE | The “Submit” button on page “Make Room reservation” has been clicked with a combination of comboboxes’ values causing a conflict. Payload
Example: <taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type=SUBMIT_RESERVATION_FAILURE" Time="887451"> reason=conflict</taoEvent> Event trigger: BUTTON View Example |
DELETE_RESERVATION | Clicking on a new reservation on the “View calendar” page will lead to a page with “Delete” button. The event is captured when this “Delete” button is clicked. Payload
Example: <taoEvent Name="stimulus" Type="DELETE_RESERVATION" Time="97222"> room_index=2|*$start_time_index=4 |*$end_time_index=5 |*$department_index=1</taoEvent> Event trigger: BUTTON |
Unit 6b | |||||||||||||||||||
INFORMATION | A value has been selected outside the stimulus. Payload
Example: <taoEvent Name="service" Type="INFORMATION" Time="8126"> index=3</taoEvent> Event trigger: menuPopupChange View Example |
GLOBAL_VAR | A value has been selected (in this case a website) and will be needed in another part of the unit. Payload
Example: <taoEvent Name="service" Type="GLOBAL_VAR" Time="12512"> website=3</taoEvent> Event trigger: INFORMATION View Example |
TRANSLATION | The translation of specific texts is provided for verification (automatic comparison) to allow the scoring. Payload
Example: <taoEvent Name="service" Type="TRANSLATION" Time="8127"> address=feelbetter</taoEvent> Event trigger: GLOBAL_VAR View Example |
Unit 16 | |||||||||||||||||||
TRANSLATION | The translation of specific texts is provided for verification (automatic comparison) to allow the scoring. Payload
Example: <taoEvent Name="service" Type="TRANSLATION" Time="762">address=334 Elmwood Avenue, Northfield, MO 64184 |*$name1=Emily Hua|*$ |*$name2=Kevin Ames|*$ |*$name3=Maria Taylor|*$</taoEvent> Event trigger: START |
Event category: Frame actions [actions triggered by respondent’s interaction events outside the stimulus] | |||||||||||||||||||
menuPopupChange | A value has been selected outside the stimulus. Payload
Example: <taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="menuPopupChange" Time="8126"> id=u06b_menupopup1|$*newIndex=3</taoEvent> Event trigger: START |
Event category:events available outside the stimulus Back to top |
Event Type | Description | ||||||
RADIO_BTN | A radio button has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="RADIO_BTN" Time="32150">id=radio_1</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. |
CHECKBOX | A check box has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="CHECKBOX" Time="39371">id=check_4</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. |
TEXTBOX_ONFOCUS | A text box (input field) received the focus. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="TEXTBOX_ONFOCUS" Time="3371"> id=txt_2|$*value=text</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. View Example |
TEXTBOX_KILLFOCUS | A text box (input field) lost the focus. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="TEXTBOX_KILLFOCUS" Time="3371"> id=txt_2|$*value=123</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. View Example |
BUTTON | A button has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="BUTTON" Time="741"> id=btn_validation</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. Examples can be viewed in all PS items |
DOACTION | A programmatic function has been triggered. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="DOACTION" Time="6012"> action=stopTimer</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction or a software invocation. Examples can be viewed in all PS items |
COMBOBOX | A combo box (drop down listbox) has been opened or closed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="COMBOBOX" Time="6901"> id=cbb_2|$*action=OPEN</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. View Example |
COMBOBOX | An element contained in a combo box has been selected. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="COMBOBOX" Time="7045"> id=cbb_2|$*index=3</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. View Example |
NEXT_BUTTON | A NEXT button has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="NEXT_BUTTON" Time="20041"> id=next_button</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. Examples can be viewed in all PS items |
START or RESTART | A START action is issued at opening of a unit. RESTART comes after a crash recovery. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="START" Time="41"> TEST_TIME=23378</taoEvent> Comment: automatic event |
END | An END action is issued at the closing of a unit. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="END" Time="25554">END</taoEvent> Comment: automatic event |
PREVIOUS_INQUIRY | A PREVIOUS for inquiry (ITEM) button has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="PREVIOUS_INQUIRY" Time="25554"> REQUEST</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. Examples can be viewed in all PS items |
NEXT_INQUIRY | A NEXT for inquiry (ITEM) button has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="NEXT_INQUIRY" Time="25554">REQUEST</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. Examples can be viewed in all PS items |
PREVIOUS_ITEM | A PREVIOUS for item (UNIT) button has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="PREVIOUS_ITEM" Time="25554">REQUEST</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. Examples can be viewed in all PS items |
NEXT_ITEM | A NEXT for item (UNIT) button has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="NEXT_ITEM" Time="8824">REQUEST</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. Examples can be viewed in all PS items |
GET_HELP | A HELP button has been pressed. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="GET_HELP" Time="2570">REQUEST</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. Examples can be viewed in all PS items |
BREAKOFF | A BREAKOFF action has been requested. Payload
<taoEvent Name="taoPIAAC" Type="BREAKOFF" Time="554">REQUEST</taoEvent> Comment: This event implies a user interaction. |
Booklet Order of the cognitive assessment by domain

For an explanation of the assessment design please refer to the official OECD website and the corresponding publications.
Within the domains Literacy and Numeracy, there are three booklets (testlets) in stage 1 and four booklets in stage 2. For Problem Solving there are 2 booklets in total.
For more information about items and item maps in different domains, see the OECD´s Reader´s Companion.
Literacy: Stage 1 Testlet 1 | Literacy: Stage 1 Testlet 2 | Literacy: Stage 1 Testlet 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literacy: Stage 2 Testlet 1 | Literacy: Stage 2 Testlet 2 | Literacy: Stage 2 Testlet 3 | Literacy: Stage 2 Testlet 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Numeracy: Stage 1 Testlet 1 | Numeracy: Stage 1 Testlet 2 | Numeracy: Stage 1 Testlet 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Numeracy: Stage 2 Testlet 1 | Numeracy: Stage 2 Testlet 2 | Numeracy: Stage 2 Testlet 3 | Numeracy: Stage 2 Testlet 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Problem Solving: Part1 | Problem Solving: Part2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||